Tuesday, August 25, 2015

12 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #2!

How far along?: 12 weeks pregnant
Total weight gain/measurements: 143.6 lbs (+3.8 lbs), belly 38.5 inches around
Maternity clothes: Only on occasion, but they aren't needed at this point
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Sleep has been fine!
Best moment this week: Getting Vincent's new play kitchen! You know you're a mom when that type of thing is the highlight of your week. xD 
Miss anything? Coffee. I did get some decaf, but a lot of the time, I find myself a little too queasy to want to drink it. It was such a staple in my morning and it's strange to not have a cup with breakfast anymore!
Movement: Occasionally a little popping sensation that I know for sure isn't gas, but not much at all yet! I'm still surprised I'm feeling anything at all this early!
Food cravings: Not really a craving, but the most appetizing thing to me, and I could seriously sit and eat it all day, is buttered toast. I have it every morning and always end up wanting more!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Last pregnancy, I would cough, it would turn into a gag and I would end up throwing up. The same thing is happening this pregnancy, but it's only happened a couple of times. It only happens when I'm already queasy! I try to take deep breaths afterward, but it always just ends up helping to get sick and be done with it. And unlike last pregnancy, I have actually felt better after throwing up as opposed to the same or worse! So that's an improvement :)
Gender: Unknown 
Labor signs: Nope!
Symptoms: Nausea was pretty bad, but the past few days, I've hardly felt nauseous at all! I'm hoping it is coming to an end - I can't even express how much I'd love to go through most of my pregnancy without the nausea!! Otherwise sore boobs. They've become increasingly sore within the past couple weeks. Occasional back pain, but nothing bad. Other than that, really no complaints! This pregnancy is definitely easier than my first! 
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or moody most of the time: It really varies from day to day. Some days, I am in complete meltdown mode and other days I am in a fantastic mood!
Looking forward to: My next appointment! One week from today! :D

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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

11 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #2!

How far along?: 11 weeks pregnant
Total weight gain/measurements: 140.8 lbs (+2 lbs), belly 38 inches around
Maternity clothes: Only on occasion, but they aren't needed at this point
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Sleep has been okay - although lately, I've been having a hard time falling asleep, because of nausea late at night. 
Best moment this week: Having a play date with a friend and her 14 month old this week! It was nice to get out and Vincent had a great time. 
Miss anything? My energy. It has gotten a little bit better, but I find myself exhausted after putting toys away or bringing in groceries! I end up out of breath!
Movement: Occasionally a little popping sensation that I know for sure isn't gas, but not much at all yet! I'm still surprised I'm feeling anything at all this early!
Food cravings: Beef Taquitos! No idea why, especially since I've had such a meat aversion this pregnancy. But I want them. Now. With a lot of cheese on top.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Haha - changing diapers! I don't know what on earth is up lately, I think it might be the teething, but Vincent's diapers have been NASTY lately! I threw up for the first time this pregnancy on Saturday, right after changing a diaper. I have NEVER had problems changing diapers before. I'm hoping it was a one time thing, because I really have been feeling better this pregnancy!
Gender: Unknown 
Labor signs: Nope!
Symptoms: Nausea has been fairly consistent this week, but my sea bands are actually really helping this time! My back has been doing a lot better - I think it just depends on my posture and how I've been sitting. 
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or moody most of the time: Same as last week! 
Looking forward to: My next appointment, even though it's not for another two weeks!

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

First Ultrasound - Baby #2!

Today, I finally got to see baby bean at 10 weeks! It was also the first time I met my OB. She was so sweet and I felt very comfortable with her, but the ultrasound and time with her was so short and quick, I didn't get to know her like I did my midwives when I first met them. 
I actually thought this would not only be my first ultrasound, but also my first checkup. Apparently this appointment was just supposed to be a confirmation/dating ultrasound and she'd see me two weeks following for my first check up. I'm not going to lie, this really surprised me...with my midwives I was seen at 8 weeks for blood work, paperwork and a urinalysis, and also to sit and visit with my midwife. They actually caught a UTI, which I was completely unaware I had, and was prescribed antibiotics. The full body exam, pap etc., along with the ultrasound were done at 10 weeks. 
But since our insurance doesn't kick in until September 1st this time around, we have to move the checkup back a week further and I'll be 13 weeks along. I know that things are done differently everywhere, but it does put me a bit on edge, because I haven't really gotten to meet my OB and I had so many UTIs with Vince, I just want to be sure that everything is okay. I thought they'd at least do a urinalysis and blood work. I was also expecting to hear the heartbeat, which we didn't, but we did see it! 
I'm not complaining, but I was caught a little off guard! The good news is that there will be another ultrasound, which I'm excited about! I will definitely make another post after my checkup with the second ultrasound photos. :)

So, to the ultrasound! Baby is measuring right along with my last missed period, so my due date is still March 8th! And oh my goodness, this baby is a wiggle worm!! I cried a little bit - I was so, so happy to see our healthy little bean! 

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10 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #2!

How far along?: 10 weeks pregnant
Total weight gain/measurements: 142.2 lbs (+2.4 lbs), belly 38 inches around
Maternity clothes: No need, but I have occasionally been wearing my maternity shorts, because they're comfortable!
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Sleep has been fine! 
Best moment this week: Having my first ultrasound!
Miss anything? Same as last week!
Movement: The other night, I felt movement. You're going to think I'm insane, and that's okay - I would probably think so too, considering I'm 10 weeks and the baby is the size of a prune. But I know what is gas and what isn't - they were little, bitty, tiny pops. I didn't notice it while I was walking or running about; this was in the evening, when I was lying on my back and paying close attention. The movement was about 3 inches below my belly button. I felt Vincent early, at about 14 weeks and he was my first, so it wouldn't surprise me that I'm feeling movement sooner this time!
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing in particular, but I still have pretty strong scent and food aversions of things like soaps and meat. 
Gender: Unknown 
Labor signs: Nope!
Symptoms: The fatigue and the nausea have gotten a lot better this past week! The nausea has become more of a queasy feeling and I find myself feeling much less exhausted than I was in the weeks prior. My tailbone and back are still bothering me, but it's very manageable!  
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or moody most of the time: Same as last week! 
Looking forward to: Getting my amazon shipment! It should be arriving on Thursday and it will have a big brother book for Vincent, which we plan to announce the pregnancy on facebook with, my Ergo carrier with a newborn insert (our first baby #2 purchase!!) and a transformer for our piano so I can FINALLY play again! :D

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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

9 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #2!

How far along?: 9 weeks pregnant
Total weight gain/measurements: 141.4 lbs (+1.6 lbs), belly 38 inches around
Maternity clothes: Nope
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Sleep has been great, if you don't count the 10-20 nightly trips to the bathroom! 
Best moment this week: Celebrating our first wedding anniversary! We didn't do anything special, because neither of us were feeling well, but it was nice to get to spend time together!
Miss anything? My pre-pregnancy nose. I get horrible scent aversions during pregnancy - it was the same deal last time. I can't stand the smell of certain soaps, creams, lotions, foods or cleaners, which I usually either don't mind or love! I have bought three different hand soaps this pregnancy so far and I still can't find one that doesn't make me queasy. However from the beginning, I've been using a fragrance free lotion, which I should've done earlier last time around! 
Movement: Not yet!
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy or sick? Random scents around the house and certain foods. Some days it's one thing, other days it's another!
Gender: Unknown 
Labor signs: Nope!
Symptoms: Fatigue and nausea and lower back pain. 
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty moody - not necessarily grumpy, but go from happy, to weepy, to incredibly exhausted, to starving, to super nauseous, back to happy again. Lather, rinse repeat several times per day. xD
Looking forward to: My first OB appointment in just one more week! I am so excited to see my baby and meet my doctor!! I'm also looking forward to hitting 10 weeks and being a quarter of the way through pregnancy! :)

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