Sunday, July 7, 2013


It was Friday, July 5th. I had just finished up an hour long phone conversation, when I was feeling incredibly nauseous out of the blue. I had been feeling a little off for a week, but I didn't want to jump to any conclusions. I had been a whole week late before and nothing. Nada. I figured I'd take a test anyway, even though I told myself I wouldn't unless I was a week late. The instructions say that you must wait for three minutes before getting an accurate result. I didn't even have to wait three SECONDS till two big fat pink lines popped up. Quite frankly, what I felt in that moment was a pretty even mixture of shock, excitement and sheer panic. I was not expecting this at all. I admit to hyperventilating a bit until I was able to pick up my phone and call Mike. I think I was in too much of a haze to actually wait and come up with a fun and creative way to tell him! He could not have been more excited and shocked! We went to get the pregnancy confirmed that same afternoon - I was 5 weeks and 2 days along at this time. :)

Even though we didn't plan on this baby, we are both feel so incredibly excited and blessed to become parents. Words cannot describe how much I love our little "bean" already! This is such a joy and I want to do everything I can to record every little moment and cherish it forever.
I considered making a pregnancy vlog, since I've always wanted to start one, but to be completely honest, I look and feel like crap (and have no skills in front of a camera what so ever haha), so I will stick to a blog! 

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