Total weight gain/measurements: 142.2 lbs (+2.4 lbs), belly 38 inches around (very bloated this week!)
Maternity clothes: Nope
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well, if you don't count getting up for bathroom breaks! I am so used to getting up and being able to go back to sleep from last pregnancy, followed by a baby who didn't like to sleep at night! Hehe
I've still been taking Vincent's naps with him and it has been helping me get through the day!
I've still been taking Vincent's naps with him and it has been helping me get through the day!
Best moment this week: Getting to barbecue and go swimming with family this past weekend!
Miss anything? Hmm..not really!
Movement: I'm constantly having phantom kicks. I keep thinking I feel something, but I definitely don't yet!
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy or sick? The smell of hamburger meat. Nothankyou. And heat - it's been 100 degrees all week! I avoid leaving the house at all costs.
Gender: Unknown
Labor signs: Nope!
Symptoms: Fatigue and nausea. The tailbone pain is pretty much completely gone! I have been having some lower back pain that shoots down into my legs, but only every so often and it goes away when I use the heating pad.
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or moody most of the time: It's a good mix of both. I'm happy, but little tiny things trigger grumpiness, like lack of sleep, toddler climbing on furniture and a messy house.
Looking forward to: Mike and my 1st wedding anniversary! I can't believe it's been a whole year. It's gone by so quickly!
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