Sunday, July 7, 2019

39 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #3

How far along? 39 weeks pregnant 
Total weight gain/measurements: 176 lbs (+16) 
Maternity clothes: Maternity bottoms, boxer shorts worn as regular shorts and large tank tops are basically all I wear now! It's too hot for anything else!
Stretch marks? I have two now that are just extensions of existing ones
Sleep: I've had a horrible time sleeping, between the back pain and the acid reflux!
Best moment this week: Lots of good moments this week!! Vincent's last tee ball game, followed by a fun get together for pizza and a water fight at the park, watching fireworks and having a cookout and my mom making it into town on Friday!!
Miss anything?: Sleep and feeling "normal" physically!! 
Movement: This dude is a serious wiggle butt! Especially in the evenings and at night. I've noticed this week his movements have gotten a little less jumpy and crazy and a bit more slow. I'm assuming part of this is because he is getting so big and running out of room that it's getting harder to move around! 
Food cravings: I keep randomly craving things, usually after I've put the kids to bed and it's often something we don't have at home haha!! Last night I was craving chocolate donuts, the other night I was craving potato salad again.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Just acid reflux this week.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Still at 2cm dilated and 70% effaced, head down at a 0 station!! Lots of braxton hicks contractions, regular contractions - all that jazz lol! Also I may or may not have lost my plug or part of it yesterday. No clue when labor will be coming but I'm hoping to hold out until after Tuesday, because Mike and I have a suuuuper important appointment that morning that we CAN not miss or reschedule!! I definitely wouldn't complain if I went into labor like immediately after that though haha!!
Symptoms: REALLY bad sciatica. This has been a struggle for about a month now, but this past week has been particularly bad. There have only been a couple days this week when it's been bearable enough to where it wasn't bringing me to tears! It was probably the worst on the 4th of July, most of which I had to spend sitting on the couch because it hurt to walk. Other than that, lots of contractions, obsessive nesting syndrome (seriously - I straight up lose sleep over it some nights), swollen ankles, fatigue, pelvic pain and largeness.
Belly button in or out? Out most of the time unless I am laying flat 
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been pretty happy this week! I still snap easily though, especially when I'm hot. So I've been spending a lot of time inside under the fan. 
Looking forward to: Baby coming! :D And getting a pedicure!! I'm hoping to go get one on Monday - I could really use a good foot massage. 

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