Total weight gain/measurements: 172 lbs (+12) Yay! I'm steadily gaining now, which makes me feel better - it should mean that little dude is porking up a little bit too :D
Maternity clothes: I'm honest to god having the hardest time finding clothes that fit me anymore lol!! With him being so low, I feel like my belly just sticks out of the bottom of all my shirts. So my maternity shorts with the belly panel have been awesome, so if my shirt doesn't fully cover me, at least the panel is underneath!
Stretch marks? One new one! Well, partially - it's one I already had, but it extended.
Sleep: Sleep has been difficult!
Best moment this week: Not just one moment really, but it was so wonderful to spend time with Amber this week and visit!! :D And even though it was super hot and we were all dying, taking maternity pictures was fun!
Miss anything?: Sleep and feeling "normal" physically!!
Movement: This dude is a serious wiggle butt! Especially in the evenings and at night. I've noticed this week his movements have gotten a little less jumpy and crazy and a bit more slow. I'm assuming part of this is because he is getting so big and running out of room that it's getting harder to move around!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular this week
Anything making you queasy or sick? The heat some days when I get too hot and acid reflux.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: SO many braxton hicks contractions. They drive me crazy. I was checked this week and I am 2cm dilated and about 70% effaced, so it could be tomorrow, could be in three weeks lol!! Hard to say! One thing she did confirm though, is that he definitely is low. His head is at about a 0 station. Meaning if he were any lower, he would literally be crowning haha! Which explains why my cervix hurts SO badly!!
Symptoms: Fatigue, obsessive nesting, acid reflux, discomfort, sore and swollen feet and largeness.
Belly button in or out? Out most of the time unless I am laying flat
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Although small things will make me snap pretty easily. I'm too pregnant and it's too hot out lol!
Looking forward to: Vincent's last tee ball game of the season, 4th of July, fireworks, spending time with friends and family and my mom coming to town! :D Should be a really nice week!