Sunday, July 7, 2019

39 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #3

How far along? 39 weeks pregnant 
Total weight gain/measurements: 176 lbs (+16) 
Maternity clothes: Maternity bottoms, boxer shorts worn as regular shorts and large tank tops are basically all I wear now! It's too hot for anything else!
Stretch marks? I have two now that are just extensions of existing ones
Sleep: I've had a horrible time sleeping, between the back pain and the acid reflux!
Best moment this week: Lots of good moments this week!! Vincent's last tee ball game, followed by a fun get together for pizza and a water fight at the park, watching fireworks and having a cookout and my mom making it into town on Friday!!
Miss anything?: Sleep and feeling "normal" physically!! 
Movement: This dude is a serious wiggle butt! Especially in the evenings and at night. I've noticed this week his movements have gotten a little less jumpy and crazy and a bit more slow. I'm assuming part of this is because he is getting so big and running out of room that it's getting harder to move around! 
Food cravings: I keep randomly craving things, usually after I've put the kids to bed and it's often something we don't have at home haha!! Last night I was craving chocolate donuts, the other night I was craving potato salad again.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Just acid reflux this week.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Still at 2cm dilated and 70% effaced, head down at a 0 station!! Lots of braxton hicks contractions, regular contractions - all that jazz lol! Also I may or may not have lost my plug or part of it yesterday. No clue when labor will be coming but I'm hoping to hold out until after Tuesday, because Mike and I have a suuuuper important appointment that morning that we CAN not miss or reschedule!! I definitely wouldn't complain if I went into labor like immediately after that though haha!!
Symptoms: REALLY bad sciatica. This has been a struggle for about a month now, but this past week has been particularly bad. There have only been a couple days this week when it's been bearable enough to where it wasn't bringing me to tears! It was probably the worst on the 4th of July, most of which I had to spend sitting on the couch because it hurt to walk. Other than that, lots of contractions, obsessive nesting syndrome (seriously - I straight up lose sleep over it some nights), swollen ankles, fatigue, pelvic pain and largeness.
Belly button in or out? Out most of the time unless I am laying flat 
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been pretty happy this week! I still snap easily though, especially when I'm hot. So I've been spending a lot of time inside under the fan. 
Looking forward to: Baby coming! :D And getting a pedicure!! I'm hoping to go get one on Monday - I could really use a good foot massage. 

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Sunday, June 30, 2019

38 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #3

How far along? 38 weeks pregnant 
Total weight gain/measurements: 172 lbs (+12) Yay! I'm steadily gaining now, which makes me feel better - it should mean that little dude is porking up a little bit too :D
Maternity clothes: I'm honest to god having the hardest time finding clothes that fit me anymore lol!! With him being so low, I feel like my belly just sticks out of the bottom of all my shirts. So my maternity shorts with the belly panel have been awesome, so if my shirt doesn't fully cover me, at least the panel is underneath!
Stretch marks? One new one! Well, partially - it's one I already had, but it extended.
Sleep: Sleep has been difficult!
Best moment this week: Not just one moment really, but it was so wonderful to spend time with Amber this week and visit!! :D And even though it was super hot and we were all dying, taking maternity pictures was fun!
Miss anything?: Sleep and feeling "normal" physically!! 
Movement: This dude is a serious wiggle butt! Especially in the evenings and at night. I've noticed this week his movements have gotten a little less jumpy and crazy and a bit more slow. I'm assuming part of this is because he is getting so big and running out of room that it's getting harder to move around! 
Food cravings: Nothing in particular this week
Anything making you queasy or sick? The heat some days when I get too hot and acid reflux.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: SO many braxton hicks contractions. They drive me crazy. I was checked this week and I am 2cm dilated and about 70% effaced, so it could be tomorrow, could be in three weeks lol!! Hard to say! One thing she did confirm though, is that he definitely is low. His head is at about a 0 station. Meaning if he were any lower, he would literally be crowning haha! Which explains why my cervix hurts SO badly!!
Symptoms: Fatigue, obsessive nesting, acid reflux, discomfort, sore and swollen feet and largeness.
Belly button in or out? Out most of the time unless I am laying flat 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Although small things will make me snap pretty easily. I'm too pregnant and it's too hot out lol!
Looking forward to: Vincent's last tee ball game of the season, 4th of July, fireworks, spending time with friends and family and my mom coming to town! :D Should be a really nice week!

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Sunday, June 23, 2019

37 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #3

How far along? 37 weeks pregnant 
Total weight gain/measurements: 170 lbs (+10)
Maternity clothes: Maternity shorts, a pair of stretchy yoga capris and maternity tops are nearly all I wear anymore, unless it's a super stretchy tank top! 
Stretch marks? One new one! Well, partially - it's one I already had, but it extended.
Sleep: With how active he has been at night lately, I haven't gotten much sleep.
Best moment this week: Getting to see Amber again for the first time in several years!! <3
Miss anything?: Sleep and feeling "normal" physically!! 
Movement: Constantly! The other night, I had to get up to bounce him to sleep multiple times before bed to get him to stop headbanging in my pelvis. It HURT! 
Food cravings: Nothing in particular this week
Anything making you queasy or sick? Just acid reflux. I've woken up a few times this week in the middle of the night with acid in the back of my throat :(
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Lots of braxton hicks contractions!
Symptoms: Fatigue, obsessive nesting, acid reflux, discomfort, sore and swollen feet and largeness.
Belly button in or out? Out most of the time unless I am laying flat 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Although small things will make me snap pretty easily. I'm too pregnant and it's too hot out lol!
Looking forward to: Spending time with Amber and taking my maternity pictures this week! :D

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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

36 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #3

How far along? 36 weeks pregnant
Total weight gain/measurements: 169 lbs (+9) Still no gain. It's bizarre. 
Maternity clothes: Maternity shorts, a pair of stretchy yoga capris and maternity tops are nearly all I wear anymore, unless it's a super stretchy tank top! 
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Sleep is very hit and miss, but I feel it's been a bit better this week than it was last week!
Best moment this week: Our band playing a show with the Slackers!! Though I'm a month out from my due date and ended up having some insane contractions during our set, it was so much fun!! :D That was our last gig for a while, so we gave it our all!
Miss anything?: Same as the 34 week update: sleep, being able to eat without popping zantac beforehand to avoid breathing fire, having a bladder and beer. hahahaha
Movement: Non. Stop. I FINALLY caught his insane alien like movement on video this week!! Every time I tried before, he would stop as soon as I pulled out my phone to record!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing that I can think of this week, but I'm still pretty sensitive to smells. 
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: So many braxton hicks ugh. I do my best to just ignore them anymore. 
Symptoms: Fatigue, obsessive nesting, acid reflux, discomfort, sore and swollen feet and largeness.
Belly button in or out? For the most part, the top is out or it is level with the rest of my belly
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Although small things will make me snap pretty easily. I'm too pregnant and it's too hot out lol!
Looking forward to: AMBER COMING TO VISIT!! :D

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Sunday, June 2, 2019

34 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #3

How far along? 34 weeks pregnant
Total weight gain/measurements: 169 lbs (+9) Still at that same weight! According to my midwife I've only gained 7. But baby is growing perfectly fine and despite my decreased appetite this pregnancy, I'm still eating pretty well! So there's no concern at this point. I have a feeling part of it could have to do with the fact that I went off my medications at the very beginning of my pregnancy and they made me gain weight, so I've likely just slowly been dropping that excess weight during the pregnancy. 
Maternity clothes: Maternity or super stretchy clothes! I am having a HARD time finding clothes that fit right now, since I've never been this pregnant in the hot months! Because tank tops and shorts are just about all I can handle right now in this heat. 
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Sleep sucks! >.< I feel like a turtle on it's shell half the night and the other half I'm in the bathroom because I have no bladder anymore. 
Best moment this week: This week was super rough mentally. But my god, were my kids amazing. I told Vincent one morning that I'm having a sad day and he said "Mommy, can we snuggle on the couch so I can hug you and make you feel better?" That was probably the best moment. Not to mention the kids both getting to feel the baby kick, the kisses for me and for my belly and so many snuggles!! I don't know what the hell I'd do without my babies!!! <3
Miss anything?: Sleep, being able to eat without popping zantac beforehand to avoid breathing fire, having a bladder and beer. hahahaha
Movement: I feel like movement has been a tiny bit less this week, but when he moves, he MOVES. And lightening crotch has been becoming more and more of a thing this past week! It will straight up knock me on my feet if it happens when I'm standing.
Food cravings: Last night, I OBSESSED over needing potato salad at 9:30 at night. It came out of nowhere and it would not go away for the longest time!! That honestly was probably the first real "I NEED THIS NOW" food craving I've had all pregnancy!
Anything making you queasy or sick? I've been doing a lot better nausea-wise this week! There have been a few mornings I've woken up nauseous, but it will usually go away after I've woken up a bit and gotten a little something in my stomach.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Just a lot of braxton hicks
Symptoms: Fatigue, general discomfort, no longer being able to squeeze through tight spaces, swollen feet, headaches and pelvic pain
Belly button in or out? For the most part, the top is out or it is level with the rest of my belly
Happy or moody most of the time: Very moody and emotional this week
Looking forward to: Mike's next full day off!

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Sunday, May 19, 2019

32 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #3

How far along? 32 Weeks pregnant! Looong time no update! First week we were still out of town, second I was sick with a cold, third sick with a stomach bug and forth, we were out of town playing a gig! xD I am pleased to say that things have settled down and we aren't all on the verge of dying anymore lol! So here's a very overdue bump update! :D
Total weight gain/measurements: 169 lbs (+9) I had actually gotten up to about 172, but the stomach bug knocked me on my butt HARD at 30 weeks and I lost a bit of weight! I've gained all but three pounds back since though! 
Maternity clothes: Maternity or super stretchy clothes! I don't have a whole lot of clothes that fit me now. I got some maternity shorts and those have been amazing! The shorts I wore with my other pregnancies absolutely do not fit in the waist with this pregnancy due to how low this dude is!
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: It really depends. Some nights are decent and others I'm up and down all night with acid reflux and general discomfort. Not to mention having to get up to pee constantly!
Best moment this week: Vincent playing his tee ball games this week! He is improving with every game he plays and it is so cool to watch!!
Miss anything?: Sleeping on my stomach!! There have been so many nights I've rolled onto my stomach half asleep and he will kick me SO hard. Like MOM. GET OFF. YOU'RE SQUISHING ME.
Movement: Constantly! He is a very active baby. :)
Food cravings: Haven't had much of an appetite this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I've been getting super queasy off and on since that stomach bug!! It's been difficult for me to recover from. Thankfully my midwife was able to prescribe me some zofran, so I've been taking that as needed and still have probably 4 or so left. I notice that I struggle with nausea the most on days following a really crappy night's sleep.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Lots of braxton hicks, but I haven't had any more episodes of them coming non stop like regular contractions - thank goodness! Looking back, I was so incredibly stressed, sleep deprived and overwhelmed that week, I think that was my body's way of saying hey. You need to take care of yourself.
Symptoms: Fatigue, nausea and largeness hahaha!!
Belly button in or out? Depending on my position, it's either in or the top is out! The top is always out when I'm standing, but only sometimes out when I am sitting in a reclined position.
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been SO much happier these past few weeks and stress has been considerably lower. I'm finally at a point where I'm enjoying pregnancy and life more in general! The past 6 months have been a complete whirlwind and I am so glad that things have gotten so much better! 
Looking forward to: Vincent's end of the year celebration at the park this week!

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Sunday, April 14, 2019

27 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #3

How far along? 27 weeks pregnant - in the 3rd trimester!!
Total weight gain/measurements: 169 lbs (+9)
Maternity clothes: Has to be maternity or super stretchy, otherwise it doesn't fit! I now only have three pairs of pants that fit me - two pairs of yoga pants and one pair of maternity leggings. The baby is so low that anything around my waist is so tight!! I'm going to have to buy some maternity shorts because I don't have any that I can fit into right now and it's starting to get warm.
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Awful. I've been getting between 3.5 and 4.5 hours of sleep almost every night. 
Best moment this week: Getting to visit with some friends 
Miss anything?: My sanity
Movement: Constantly! He is a very active baby. :)
Food cravings: Haven't had much of an appetite this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Same smells that have been triggering the nausea all pregnant and stress
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Had a bit of a scare on Friday. I started having contractions. They weren't super strong and did not feel like true labor contractions, but after 4 hours of not being able to get them to stop no matter what I did, I went in to get checked to make sure everything was okay. Thankfully everything was fine and the contractions stopped! Needless to say I've been instructed to take it easy and keep my stress levels low. I've been trying to this weekend, but it's easier said than done.
Symptoms: Fatigue, headaches and braxton hicks
Belly button in or out? The top is out, or even with my belly 
Happy or moody most of the time: Moody - it's been a really tough week.
Looking forward to: Our trip to Midland to escape the chaos for a little bit on Wednesday

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Sunday, March 31, 2019

25 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #3

How far along? 25 weeks pregnant 
Total weight gain/measurements: 166 lbs (+6 lbs)
Maternity clothes: Has to be maternity or super stretchy, otherwise it doesn't fit!
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Sleep has been SO bad this week. Between this child constantly hugging my bladder to the point of me having to empty it on a 1-2 x per hour basis, acid reflux and general discomfort, I've been getting an average of 4 hours of sleep per night. And that's with 5-7 trips to the bathroom per night and usually getting up with Samantha once or twice. I really hope it gets better this week, because I'm exhausted!
Best moment this week: Adding up all the money we saved this month to put towards paying off Mike's truck!! Between Mike's ultra hard work at two jobs, my Dave Ramsey class and strict budgeting, we've been tackling our debt with "gazelle intensity" and it's starting to pay off big time! Might sound lame, but we are both pretty excited haha!
Miss anything?: Not having to worry about acid reflux triggers in my diet. -.-
Movement: This boy is a wild mover!! He is most active in the evening and at night 
Food cravings: Popcorn
Anything making you queasy or sick? The same smells as the whole pregnancy so far. The acid reflux has been contributing as well, but it makes me feel more like I'm just going to vomit rather than nauseous.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: Acid reflux and back pain this week mainly
Belly button in or out? The top is "out" a lot of the time, especially when I'm standing!
Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy this week
Looking forward to: Vincent's first tee ball practice tomorrow! :D

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Sunday, March 24, 2019

24 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #3

How far along? 24 weeks pregnant 
Total weight gain/measurements: 164 lbs (+4 lbs)
Maternity clothes: I bought my first pair of maternity leggings this week haha!! And it was totally worth it. Having trouble fitting in much of anything unless it's maternity or super stretchy!
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Still hit and miss. It really depends on the night. I've been having bad acid reflux plaguing me this past week, which makes it incredibly difficult to sleep! Not to mention, this little boy has been SO attached to my bladder, several nights this week I've been up at least once an hour to pee. 
Best moment this week: Mike and I went out on a last minute date on Tuesday and it was SO nice to get to visit and eat a tasty meal!! <3
Miss anything?: Not having to worry about acid reflux triggers in my diet. -.-
Movement: So much movement!! I always felt Samantha and Vincent pretty well, but I can feel and see movement SO much better this time since I have a posterior placenta for the first time!
Food cravings: Thin mints!!! I have to be SO careful with them though because they trigger acid reflux. So I can only have a couple and it has to be very early in the day. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? The same smells! Also - MY DAMN PRENATAL. I had to get a little bit different kind when I ran out of my previous one because it was out of stock. And the second that thing hits my tongue, it takes everything in me not to gag and throw it up!! I saw my old one was back in stock yesterday, so I'm going to order it and replace this one because it's killing me.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: Acid reflux is the biggest one this week. On the days I'm on my feet a lot or my activity is a lot more increased, I struggle with pelvic and round ligament pain quite a bit.
Belly button in or out? The top is "out" a lot of the time, especially when I'm standing!
Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy this week
Looking forward to: Samantha's first gymnastics lesson on Tuesday!!

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Sunday, March 17, 2019

23 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #3

How far along? 23 weeks pregnant 
Total weight gain/measurements: 162 lbs (+2 lbs)
Maternity clothes: I honestly need one or two more pairs of maternity pants, but I just can't justify it! I've been wearing leggings and yoga pants non-stop, tank tops, stretchy shirts and the same couple tank tops lol! I look forward to nicer weather when I'm not having to bundle up as much and have more clothing options with this growing bump!
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Hit and miss
Best moment this week: Getting to celebrate Samantha's birthday AND celebrating 1 week of her being 100% potty trained, night and day with NO accidents!! Yay!!
Miss anything?: My regular exercise routine and my diet before I started feeling sick. Since I've been feeling a little bit better, I'm going to try to ease back into things. I went on a run today and was craving one of my smoothies, so that's a good sign!
Movement: What seems like nearly constant movement!! He kicks so low, it's hard for me to see the big kicks without busting out a mirror because I can't see over my bump haha!
Food cravings: I've been craving pasta this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Lots of smells and certain foods, particularly meat.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: Food aversions, acid reflux and fatigue. Thanks to the belly band I've been wearing religiously, pelvic pain hasn't been an issue hardly at all this week.
Belly button in or out? In most of the time
Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy this week
Looking forward to: Doing some crafts this week :)

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Sunday, March 10, 2019

22 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #3

How far along? 22 weeks pregnant 
Total weight gain/measurements: 162 lbs (+2 lbs)
Maternity clothes: Leggings, tank tops and stretchy shirts have been my jam!
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Hit and miss - some nights are good and some are awful.  
Best moment this week: Celebrating the kids' birthdays and having our gender reveal!
Miss anything?: My sanity xD
Movement: SO much movement!
Food cravings: Salty and savory foods
Anything making you queasy or sick? Lots of smells and certain foods, particularly meat.
Gender: It's a BOY!! :D
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: Food aversions, acid reflux and fatigue!
Belly button in or out? In, but the top is starting to come out a bit like it did with my other two pregnancies!
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been mostly happy this week, which has been a really nice change!!
Looking forward to: Samantha's birthday tomorrow!

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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

20 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #3

It's been a while since my last update! My mental health has taken a pretty serious hit this pregnancy and I've been struggling a LOT. I'm super thankful for my husband, who has been nothing but amazing and supportive through all the hardship, for my mom for helping me through it, whether it be over the phone or by visiting and for my kids and all the extra kisses, snuggles and love!

How far along? 20 weeks pregnant 
Total weight gain/measurements: 161 lbs (+1 lb - my weight has been fluctuating this first half of the pregnancy, but stayed right around my pre-pregnancy weight. Hoping my appetite will continue to pick up a little bit!)
Maternity clothes: Maternity jeans, some maternity tops and otherwise TC leggings and loose, comfy clothing!
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: It's been slowly getting a little better over the past couple of weeks. I'm still exhausted, 
Best moment this week: Getting to see our baby!! :D
Miss anything?: My sanity xD
Movement: Loads more movement over the past few weeks! On the 7th of this month, I was able to feel baby moving on the outside and just a week or two later, I started being able to see movement on the outside, even though it's minimal!
Food cravings: Mostly salty foods, as well as the same ice cream I craved with both Vincent and Samantha lol!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Lots of smells and certain foods, particularly meat.
Gender: Not revealed yet ;)
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: Food aversions, occasional nausea, sore boobs, fatigue and braxton hicks. Pelvic pain has been coming and going for over a month now. Last week it was the worst it's been so far, but it's been getting increasingly better over the last two days!
Belly button in or out? In, but the top is starting to come out a bit like it did with my other two pregnancies!
Happy or moody most of the time: Moody. This pregnancy has been extremely hard on my mental health. 
Looking forward to: The kids' birthdays!

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