Sleep: His bedtime is still between 8 and 9. After he has a bath, I begin the same night time routine that we've done for months now: lotion, diaper, pajamas and reading, followed by his last feeding, during which he usually falls asleep. I've also started taking him around the room after feeding, to say "goodnight" to everything in the room, so all his stuffed animals and finally Mike. :)
His sleep was really, really terrible for over a month and it finally started to get better a couple of weeks ago. He still wakes up a couple of times during the night, but goes right back to sleep. Towards the beginning of the month, I purchased a Zipadee-Zip, which is basically a Woombie with arms. It has been working great! It allows him to roll on his tummy safely, all while preventing him from rubbing his face and scratching himself. (He manages to scratch himself even immediately after I cut his nails!) He is still able to remove his pacifier, but is now able to put it back in.
As I mentioned above, I've been strictly putting him down for naps every two hours, to prevent him from becoming overtired. It blows my mind how good, solid naps help him sleep better at night! You'd think if I kept him up all day, he'd sleep better at night, but actually, it's the opposite. If he has good naps, he has a better night.