The three months prior to our move went by so quickly, being a new mommy, yet they dragged on because of being apart from Mike. We really are so happy here and so excited to finally begin this new chapter together as a family in a new town!
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Home, Sweet Home!
The three months prior to our move went by so quickly, being a new mommy, yet they dragged on because of being apart from Mike. We really are so happy here and so excited to finally begin this new chapter together as a family in a new town!
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Vincent's 3 Month Update!
Daily: Vincent has a bit of an interesting schedule, which I find works the best for him. He wakes and eats, has awake time, eats again, then sleeps. So he basically stays awake for two hours, then sleeps for about two. During his awake time, he jumps in his horse bouncer, does tummy time, plays with the toys on his activity mat and plays with me while sitting in the boppy pillow on my lap. When he starts getting fussy, I feed him, change his diaper and put him down for a nap. If I wait too long, he will get overtired and it is very difficult to get him to go to sleep! I've tried to time his napping to where he sleeps while I cook dinner, but we haven't quite gotten that down yet. xD He has gotten a little bit better about taking a bath in the evening instead of the afternoon, but I have to make sure that I don't do it when he is already sleepy or he loses it when I take him out of the bath!
Sleep: Nearly every night, Vince goes down for bed at 8 PM and since we've gotten to Midland, we generally wake up around 8 AM every day. He has been having better nights, going longer stretches, which is really nice! He was waking up every two hours to eat before and it was downright exhausting. I think Mike is a good luck charm! Hehe :D I still do the same night time routine with him as I have been for the last few months; lotion, singing, swaddle, and down for bed. But now, he sleeps in his crib for every nap and generally all night. Sometimes once Mike has left for work, I will put Vince in the bed with me to nurse him and we sleep for a couple more hours before getting up for the day. He still doesn't have a set feeding schedule at night. It varies anywhere from 3-5 hours between feedings for the most part. Sometimes he will go every two hours and sometimes much longer. Our first night in Midland, he went almost 8 hours!! I woke up completely freaking out, because I was so used to him waking every two hours!
I still swaddle him every night - if I don't restrain his arms (as evil as that sounds), he scares himself awake and won't sleep. The swaddle seems to let him know that it's time to sleep as well, which settles him down for the night.
I still swaddle him every night - if I don't restrain his arms (as evil as that sounds), he scares himself awake and won't sleep. The swaddle seems to let him know that it's time to sleep as well, which settles him down for the night.
Eating: Vincent still eats every 2-3 hours during the day. Once we get around the two hour mark, he starts to get fussy. At night, as you read above, he will go anywhere from 2-8 hours between feedings. It just depends! I don't feed Vince in the side-lying position very often anymore. I have to lie in a very awkward position to keep him latched nearly every time and it becomes a bit frustrating. So I usually just feed him using the nursing pillow.
He is now eating between 8 and 20 minutes during every feeding. When I last pumped, I got 3 ounces on each side, which isn't a whole ton, but if I feed him on both sides, that's a lot! However he doesn't empty out both sides in one feeding.
Sizes: Vince is still in 0-3 and 3 month clothing. He does wear some 3-6 month clothing, but it runs a bit small. He does not fit in newborn at ALL anymore - I haven't even tried to squeeze him back in them. I am glad that he only had a few newborn outfits, so I didn't have to put away much at all. He is almost out of size 1 diapers! I got him some size 2 by accident which are still just a tad on the big side, so I bought more size 1 and I will definitely have to go up a size once the package is empty. Sadness!
Milestones and Changes:
- Vincent has started blowing spit bubbles! And he drools. A LOT. I have to keep a bib on him for the majority of the day, or he soaks down the entire front of his onesie! Haha! It seems to amuse him.
- He sleeps in his crib now! It wasn't a very difficult transition at all. We set it up and put him to sleep in it that same night...he did great! (In the photo, he had somehow managed to get is legs out of the swaddle! O.o)
- He insists on sitting or standing up. He doesn't like lying down much anymore, unless it's to go to sleep. Even then, he seems to prefer to be upright!
- Vince has found his fingers alone with no help! He has done it several times already. I am excited about the fact that he sucks on the same fingers that I did when I was little. :)
- His favorite toy is still the blue puppy, whom I've named "Sammy". He picks him up and stuffs him in his mouth and snuggles with him. It's very cute!
- He coos SO much! I can tell he is going to be a talker. He will flat out stop eating and look at me so that he can "talk" to me, a pillow, a curtain, the window...he talks to everything.
- He sat in his horse bouncer for the first time after we moved to Midland! It is still quite big for him, so I have to put a towel in front of him. But he loves to jump up and down in it! I leave him in it for about 10 minutes a few times every day. I get a huge kick out of seeing him bounce!
- He is grabbing hold of things a lot! He will grab hold of anything; my shirt, my necklace, the bars on the sides of his changing table, toys, his paci...the list goes on! He is also constantly folding his hands and playing with them.
- Vincent demands attention a lot! If I put him down to go to the bathroom or get a drink, he will grunt in disapproval until I come back to him. Then he gives me a big, slobbery smile!
- As speaking of smiling, he is a VERY smiley baby! Especially just after waking up. It's not hard to get him to do so either - he will generally smile back if you smile at him.
- He expresses excitement by cooing, shrieking, raising his eyebrows and kicking his feet! And he will give me what looks like a laugh, only silent. I can't wait until he really starts laughing!
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