Wednesday, January 29, 2014

35 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 35 Weeks 
Total weight gain/measurements: 161 lbs - 8 lbs up from my pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes: Nothing new
Stretch marks? Still nothing
Sleep: Sleep has been a little better. Mike and I took apart our bed frame and gave it to my brother and are now just sleeping on the box spring and mattress. When I bought the frame, I accidentally ordered a full size, so we had to stack the box spring and mattress on top of the frame, making it RIDICULOUSLY high. It's so much easier to get in and out of the bed now, making it easier for me to fall back to sleep after I've used the bathroom. And the bed doesn't creak every time I get out of bed, which used to wake Mike up at night.
Best moment this week: Celebrating Mike's birthday! :) I am so glad we were able to spend it together, when we weren't sure if he was going to have to go to Midland early. 
Miss anything?: Being able to get things done the way I did before pregnancy. Now with the 3rd trimester fatigue and carrying around all this extra weight from the baby, it is getting harder and harder to keep up with tasks around the house! It's so frustrating when simply vacuuming the house causes me to pant and break out in a sweat!
Movement: Still a lot of rolling! It's beginning to get a bit painful when he stretches out. He is a strong little guy!
Food cravings: Cereal
Anything making you queasy or sick? I've gotten nauseous on a few occasions this week, but can't really think of anything that may have caused it. I think the fatigue might contribute to it, because I tend to get more nauseous when I'm tired.
Gender: Boy! :)
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: Back pain and a strange shooting pain, which feels like it's right in my cervix. It only happens occasionally, but it makes it difficult to walk sometimes. I asked my midwife about it and she says since it's not accompanied by any bleeding or contractions, it's most likely just pressure of the baby's head weighing down. It goes away completely when I'm sitting down though, so it's totally manageable. 
Belly button in or out? Flat or out! Both Mike and his sister have said that I look like I don't have a belly button anymore. I kind of look like a clone! Haha
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy for the most part :)
Looking forward to: My mom coming back on the 4th! Mike is leaving for Midland on the 1st or 2nd, so it will be especially nice to have her around again! 

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

34 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 34 Weeks today - Vincent is the size of a cantaloupe!
Total weight gain/measurements: 159 lbs - seemed to have lost a pound this week! I am 9 lbs up from my pre-pregnancy weight and 19 up from my lowest weight during my pregnancy. When I'm asked how much I've gained during pregnancy, I'm really not sure which weight to go by!
Maternity clothes: Nothing maternity, but I got a couple super comfy shirts from my friend Angela for Christmas that have been nice to lounge around in! They fit well over the bump :)
Stretch marks? Nope (fingers crossed!)
Sleep: Meh. Not great, but I am getting a bit more than I was last week. It really depends on the night. What gets me are the constant bathroom trips. I've even drastically decreased my fluid intake around bedtime and it makes no difference.
Best moment this week: Visiting Midland! I will make a separate blog entry about this.
Miss anything?: Walking like a normal person. I feel like a penguin. A fat one. xD
Movement: Lots of rolling, even more hiccups and lots of dancing on my ribs! Sometimes it seriously feels like he is busting a move in there. 
Food cravings: Still cereal!! I may or may not have just picked up 3 different kinds from the grocery store.....
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not this week
Gender: Boy! :)
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: Still very strong back and tailbone pain. I think a lot of it was because of all the driving we did this week. I also am almost certain I no longer have a bladder. It just goes straight through. xD 
Belly button in or out? Flat or out! Both Mike and his sister have said that I look like I don't have a belly button anymore. I kind of look like a clone! Haha
Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty happy this week :)
Looking forward to: Mike's birthday! I really, really hope he doesn't end up having to go to Texas early, so that we can spend the day together!

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

33 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 33 Weeks - Vince is the size of a pineapple and weighs about 4 pounds!
Total weight gain/measurements: 160 lbs - 7 lbs up from pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes: Nothing new
Stretch marks? I'm not seeing the translucent ones above my belly button anymore, so I'm not sure what the deal is. I am beyond grateful I haven't really gotten stretch marks and rather surprised, since I've gotten them before. Let's see what the last few weeks do!
Sleep: Still not good. I actually took a nap yesterday, because I've only been getting a few hours of sleep every night. I am constantly exhausted. 
Best moment this week: Our travel system arriving yesterday! :D Mike and I got it all set up and it looks amazing! I can't wait to take little man on walks!
Miss anything?: Feeling normal. I know it will take a while to recover after the birth, but I look forward to Vincent being here and physically feeling like I did before I got pregnant. I'm out of energy, I waddle horribly and I'm horribly uncomfortable, if not in pain. It is all worth it though!
Movement: Hiccups at least twice a day now. Poor guy! Again, lots of rolling. I often feel him getting his little feet stuck up in my ribs - it feels so weird! There have been a few times he has kicked or moved and it has really hurt!
Food cravings: Probably cereal. Can't get enough of it!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Anxiety! When I start getting anxious about what is to come in the next weeks, it tends to make me feel nauseous. But not comparable to the way I was feeling up until the 3rd trimester with the morning sickness! Thank goodness.
Gender: Boy :)
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: Horrible back problems this week. I am having pain on the lower left side of my back, which radiates down into my butt and around to the very top of my leg in the front. I have tried stretching and movement and nothing has made it any better.
My midwife noticed something at my appointment on Monday that completely freaked me out. I was leaning back so we could listen to the heartbeat and I noticed a HUGE bulge in the middle of my tummy. At first I said: "Cool! Is that his back?" She immediately told me to lay flat - apparently my abdominal muscles are splitting apart. Lovely. So my "six pack" is now an oval shape instead of going straight up and down. Apparently it's common, but I'm going to have to bust my butt doing crunches after Vince is born, to correct it. I didn't even know that was possible - if I had, I would have done everything in my power to prevent it from happening. There's not much I'll be able to do about it until after the birth, unfortunately.
Belly button in or out? Sometimes flat, sometimes out. When I sit up, it pops out pretty far, because of the abdominal muscles being apart. It's very strange looking. It's always out when I'm standing!
Happy or moody most of the time: My moods have been up and down and all over the place for the last week. We have so much going on and there will be a lot of changes even before the baby arrives, which I'm nervous about. I've been mostly anxious this week.
Looking forward to: My baby shower :) We finally set a date, so we can start making and sending out the invitations!

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

32 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 32 Weeks Pregnant 
Total weight gain/measurements: 157 lbs - 2 pounds up from last week 
Maternity clothes: Nothing new!
Stretch marks? No new ones. I have a feeling the translucent ones above my belly button may become dark after delivery, but I really can't say for sure! 
Sleep: Eeehhh. Same as last week, really. Still not taking naps during the day, even though at times, I feel like it might actually help. I've also found myself waking up so HOT that I can't fall back to sleep! I have to have the fan going in our room at night on the lowest setting, just to get the air to circulate through the room. I am SO glad to have a winter pregnancy!!
Best moment this week: Getting to see family down south for a few days with my mom! It was great to get to make one last trip out of town before Vincent arrives.
Miss anything?: Not that she is a thing, but I miss my mom already! She left on Sunday and she will be back on February 4th. I look forward to seeing her again!
Movement: Lots of pushing from little man this week. Poor friend is starting to run out of room and he is not liking it! I've been feeling a lot of kicking up in the rib region. Although it's uncomfortable, it's so much better than when he was in breech and kicking me in the bladder! I am hoping he stays head down for the rest of the pregnancy. I've also been noticing a LOT of hiccups. He gets them at least once a day.
Food cravings: Nothing this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not this week
Gender: Boy :)
Labor signs: Braxton hicks
Symptoms: Acid reflux, fatigue, backaches and round ligament pain. I think I need to stop eating dinner so close to bedtime, because I've been having acid reflux issues every night. I picked up the exercise ball from my mother in law's this week, which I am currently sitting on to help relieve some of my back pain. I think the round ligament pain had to do with all of the traveling and driving around in the car this week. It could just be my increase in size too - the further along I get, the more uncomfortable I become!
Belly button in or out? Out :D Now when I sit, my entire belly button is completely even with the rest of my belly. When I'm standing, the top of my belly button still sticks out. It's really strange!
Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty happy :)
Looking forward to: My childbirth classes! I had my first one yesterday and I really liked it. I will be having them bi-weekly until the end of January. 

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

31 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 31 weeks pregnant - estimated length for this week is over 16 inches and weight is approx. 3.3 pounds. (About the size of a coconut)
Total weight gain/measurements: 155 lbs - 2 pounds more than I was pre-pregnancy! About time, since at this point, Vince should be gaining about half a pound per week. (Yikes!)
Maternity clothes: I got a new bra this week, going up a band size. It's so much more comfortable now! I decided, after getting advice, to wait until after Vince arrives to purchase my nursing bras, just because I have no clue how much bigger "they" are going to get. lol
Stretch marks? I'm just barely seeing a couple teeny horizontal ones about a centimeter above my belly button. They are sort of translucent at the moment. So I've started applying the bio oil again, even though I've gotten to the point where I really can't stand the smell of either of my stretch mark creams. 
Sleep: Not so great. I'm exhausted constantly, but I have bad insomnia. It takes me forever to actually fall asleep, then I wake up shortly afterward to pee. Mike's alarm wakes me up at around 4-ish, if Tombstone hasn't already woken us both up by yeowling in front of our bedroom door at 3 AM. (Stinker.) I'm usually awake until around 8 or so, then try to go back to sleep for a few hours, so that I get more than 3 or 4 hours of sleep!
Best moment this week: Getting to see our baby boy on the ultrasound again! :D 
Miss anything?: I miss walking like a normal person. I've begun to waddle like a penguin - it's horrible! I try to walk straight, but it ends up just turning back into waddling!
Movement: Insanely strong kicking. He is totally his father's son. I picture Vince being in tae kwon do someday, just like Mike was!
Food cravings: White Chocolate Mochas from Starbucks! Decaf, of course. I am so stoked they are agreeing with me, because I hadn't been able to drink any coffee what so ever all pregnancy long and I missed it!!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Had one bad night of acid reflux and thought I might throw up, but it went away. Other than that, nothing!
Gender: Still a boy!
Labor signs: Just braxton hicks
Symptoms: Acid reflux, backaches and fatigue. Also, I've been getting some RIDICULOUS acne this week! >.< Of course right before my sister in law's wedding. xD
Belly button in or out? Out! I think once I get bigger and stretch out a more, it will completely flatten itself out with the rest of my belly.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy in general, but snap easily!
Looking forward to: Visiting family down south for a few days. :) My mom and I are heading there today and will head back home on the 3rd. It will be great to get a chance to see everyone a last time before Vince gets here, since it's very uncertain when I will be able to travel next, especially with Mike's work schedule!

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omg...I'm on my last line! O.O
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