Saturday, November 30, 2013
Day 23 - If I Won the Lottery
Friday, November 29, 2013
Day 22 - My Worst Habits
Day 21 - What Makes Me Sad
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
26 Weeks Pregnant
I know I promised that I'd add a chalkboard picture last week, but with Mike not coming home until Friday and being so sick, I decided to just wait until this week!
How far along? 26 Weeks today. I finally hit the double digits yesterday - I have 98 days left in my pregnancy! :D I'm so excited to meet our little man!
Total weight gain/measurements: I'm back down to 148 lbs (according to my home scale) from getting so sick this week. According to the scale at the midwifery, I weigh 149 and have only gained half a pound since my last visit. My midwife is a bit concerned I have not gained more, so she'd like for me to up my calorie intake and eat in between meals. She actually told me to go get a milkshake after my appointment today! Haha
Maternity clothes: Same as last week.
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Sleep was not great this week with the nausea. It felt like the whole room was spinning. I would sleep, wake up, get sick and the whole thing would repeat several times until morning. I actually had to keep the bedside lamp on a few nights in a row for this reason. It has been much better the past few nights. Since Mike got back, we've been going to bed by 10 PM at the latest every night. (Which is a huge deal for us, since we are total night owls and could stay up all night xD) Mike has to be up early for work now and I think this routine will really aid my sleep!
Best moment this week: Mike coming home! :)
Miss anything?: Being able to put on socks without a hassle! Since it's gotten colder, I've put my TOMS aside for the rest of the winter and switched to shoes with socks. (Hey, I live in New Mexico - give me a break!) It is so difficult to put the darn things on now!
Movement: Vincent is a ridiculously crazy kicker! I love feeling him kick, but I must admit it makes it hard to sleep, especially with him being most active at night. I will occasionally sing or rock myself back and fourth in bed and it really calms him down. Mike putting his hand on my belly tends to calm him down too. Sometimes he will even fall asleep. :) It's very cute!
Food cravings: Blah. No. Nothing this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick? GARLIC. I have found a nasty morning sickness culprit. And I didn't realize what it was until this weekend. The day Mike left, I made myself noodles with garlic and I was fine that night! But the next few days, I got incredibly sick. I was vomiting several times a day and I could not keep any food down at all. I felt like I had a really bad stomach bug - it was absolutely miserable, especially while being home alone. But I had no fever or chills, so I'm thinking it was what I ate. So I've completely changed my diet. I am eating mostly bland foods and have begun to eat even slower. I now force myself to stay seated completely upright for at least two hours after eating as well, so that my food can digest properly. It has gotten so much better and I haven't thrown up in a few days.
Gender: Boy :)
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: The strain in my ligament has almost completely healed, so that's gone! (Yay!) This week I've been getting bad acid reflux, which I believe may have some connection with me getting so sick last week, since that's around the time it started. This is part of the reason I've changed my diet and started to sit upright after eating, because it really helps. I think it could be heartburn too, but I'm just not sure. It feels like I've got this burning, uncomfortable lump in my chest and throat and it makes me want to gag and throw up. Almost like I need to burp, but because I can't, I just sort of get these strange hiccups. The nausea has been better the last couple of days, but it has been a pretty constant symptom since...well the beginning of my pregnancy! I am hoping that the bad spell this last week just had to do with that garlic though, because I was really doing a lot better before that happened!
Another is back pain - I feel like just a trip to the grocery store leaves me wobbling to the car. And the scary thing is that this is just the beginning, since I'm going to get so much bigger! (Yikes!) I know I've probably said this before, but my heating pad has become my best buddy! Even having it on a low setting right where my muscles have tightened up is the most soothing thing in the world and almost always relieves the pain.
Man the symptoms part is always damn long, I feel like I'm always complaining! Sorry! It seems like every week, I get a new symptom and when that one goes away, another one comes up. Pregnancy is definitely keeping me on my toes! It will be good though to be familiar with all of these during my next pregnancy though.
Another is back pain - I feel like just a trip to the grocery store leaves me wobbling to the car. And the scary thing is that this is just the beginning, since I'm going to get so much bigger! (Yikes!) I know I've probably said this before, but my heating pad has become my best buddy! Even having it on a low setting right where my muscles have tightened up is the most soothing thing in the world and almost always relieves the pain.
Man the symptoms part is always damn long, I feel like I'm always complaining! Sorry! It seems like every week, I get a new symptom and when that one goes away, another one comes up. Pregnancy is definitely keeping me on my toes! It will be good though to be familiar with all of these during my next pregnancy though.
Belly button in or out? Still just half way out!
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, anxious, excited....way too many emotions to keep track of and they cycle through way too many times in one day! Gotta love hormones!
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving! I probably won't be stuffing my face as I normally would, but I'm looking forward to being in good company, listening to music, doing embroidery with my mother in law and doing puzzles. :) I wish I could see my parents this holiday season too, but I'm grateful my brother will be there and we will be with Mike's family, whom I've grown very close with these past years! :)
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26 Week Appointment
Day 20 - What Makes Me Happy
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Day 19 - My Favorite Movie
Monday, November 25, 2013
Day 18 - A Photograph of Myself
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Day 17 - My Favorite Blogs
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Day 16 - Thoughts on Education
Friday, November 22, 2013
Day 15 - Where I'll Be in 5 Years
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Day 14 - 3 Healthy Habits
I am doing everything in my power to manage my stress. For me, this is essential to being healthy. Health is not just physical, but also mental and it's difficult to be healthy if you don't equally focus on both. After dealing with depression for years and struggling with anxiety, I need to keep my mind clear and eliminate people and things from my life that are causing me unnecessary grief. I've had to completely change my attitude and way of thinking in order to deal with my issues and live a more fulfilled and happy life. It is so easy to give into the anxiety or sadness and let it take over you and trust me - there are days I still give into it! It takes a lot of work to close your eyes, take a deep breath and think positive and refuse to let your problems become you. But it is beyond worth it and I've seen my life go in a positive direction since I've made stress management a top priority!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
25 Weeks Pregnant
I'll add my chalkboard picture on Friday once Mike can take it! :)
How far along? 25 Weeks - Vincent is the size of a rutabaga
How far along? 25 Weeks - Vincent is the size of a rutabaga
Total weight gain/measurements: I've been gaining about a pound a week for the last few weeks! I have hit 150 now, so I'm just three pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight. :)
Maternity clothes: Same as last week.
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Sleep has been horrible this week. I've been having constant round ligament pain, so it makes it difficult to get comfortable and actually fall asleep.
Best moment this week: Hearing Vince roundhouse kick the fetal monitor. xD
Miss anything?: Mike!! He left Monday for training in Tulsa and will be back Friday. I hate it when we're apart!
Movement: Lots of movement this week! And some of the kicking has turned into sliding, now that he is getting bigger. It's so strange to feel him roll over - it makes me feel like I'm on a roller coaster!
Food cravings: Nothing this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I have not been feeling very good this week. Last night I was throwing up and was finally just able to down a piece of buttered toast. I really can't wait until March. I want to meet my son and be done with the morning sickness. I never would have thought I'd still be dealing with it this late in pregnancy!
Gender: Boy :)
Labor signs: No - I think I still may be getting Braxton Hicks on and off though.
Symptoms: Strong round ligament pain. On Friday, I woke up to a very sharp, stabbing pain in the lower right area of my abdomen. It was so incredibly painful. It went away a few hours later. The next day, it came back so strong, I was about ready to head to the ER. I then went to empty my bladder and it just went away! Had it again all day Sunday and into Monday. I called the midwifery on Monday morning, and since they only had one midwife on call that day and she was at the hospital, they sent me to urgent care. Urgent care sent me to the ER and the ER sent me to labor and delivery. (!!!) I really was just hoping they'd check to see if I had another UTI or something and send me home. I felt so embarrassed sitting up there in labor and delivery at 25 weeks with cramps. Turns out between Vince's strong movement and me probably sleeping wrong the night before the pain started, my ligament was strained. So it's nothing major. I was glad they sent me on my way after that. Good grief.
So my symptoms this week have been ligament pain, tailbone pain, braxton hicks and morning sickness.
So my symptoms this week have been ligament pain, tailbone pain, braxton hicks and morning sickness.
Belly button in or out? Halfway out when I'm standing haha
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been a bit moody this week since there has been a lot going on, but very happy about Mike's job and that Vincent is growing and doing well!
Looking forward to: Mike coming home on Friday! :D I'd be looking forward to my next appointment a week from today, but honestly, I'm dreading it a bit, since I'll be doing my 1 hour glucose test and getting my Rh shot!
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Day 13 - What's Inside My Fridge
My Fridge
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Day 12 - My Favorite Childhood Book
Monday, November 18, 2013
Day 11 - 10 Favorite Foods
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Day 10 - Best Trip of Your Life
Hmm...this one is a bit difficult for me. Growing up, I was fortunate to get to visit some really neat places. Many people never get the chance to visit some of the countries I visited growing up. Although these trips were primarily to visit family, we still went sightseeing and did everything we could to embrace and appreciate where we were. Every other summer, we took trips to the US to either Illinois or New Mexico to visit family. We've also traveled to France and Italy to visit family members.
The thing is, each trip came with it's own individual and awesome experience that I will cherish forever. So honestly, I really can't pick a "best trip" because they were all awesome for different reasons.
So I figured instead of sharing with you my dream vacation to Disney World (which I've still never been to) or my amazing week in the Bahamas, I'll share with you some pictures from some of the coolest places I've been to.
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Salzburg, Austria In the lower right photo, you see the location where the Sound of Music was filmed |
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Grand Canyon |
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Mesa Verde |
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Four Corners Monument Can't help but laugh at how touristy we look - me in particular xD |
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Marseille, France On the bottom left is us after going to the market with my lovely great aunt, who didn't speak a word of English! It made things very interesting! :D |
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Tirol, Austria I went to a sport camp in the summers of 2004 and 2006. Both times were amazing and the scenery is completely mind blowing and beautiful. These pictures are from 2006. |
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London, England This was a week long trip I took with my class in May of 2010, in celebration of us finishing school. I'd love to go back someday! |
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Day 9 - What's In My Bag/Wallet
I've always wanted to do this, so I was excited about today's challenge! This is what I generally carry in my bag and my wallet all the time. Once Vince is here and I switch to a diaper bag, I'm going to have to change things up a bit. I haven't quite decided yet whether I'm going to combine my things with the diaper bag or just get a clutch.
1. Wallet
2. Organizer - This one is a Martha Stewart binder. I love it, but an A5 is too bulky for my liking. Eventually, I'd like to downsize to a personal-sized Filofax.
3. Favorite Pen
4. Keys
5. Clip-On Sunglasses - I got these for about 14 bucks at Walmart and have had them for 3 years. They clip onto my glasses perfectly!
6. eos and Baby Lips lip balm
7. Water bottle - I can rarely ever leave the house without water. I'm always thirsty, especially in the summer, since it gets very hot here!
8. Earbuds - these are Panasonic. They are the best earbuds I've ever had.
9. Hand cream - I have very dry hands and I've found that my Bath and Body Works "Twilight Woods" triple moisture body cream works the best.
10. Gum and Listerine Strips - pregnancy lifesaver #1
11. Tums - pregnancy lifesaver #2
12. Coin Purse - I prefer to keep change in my coin purse, because the coins tend to make my wallet very bulky.
13. Deoderant - pregnancy lifesaver #3
14. Pepper Spray - My sister in law was roofied a few years back, which resulted in my father in law getting all the girls pepper spray. I've had it in my purse since.
15. Wet Ones wipes
16. Empty plastic bag - You're probably thinking: "Why on earth?!". I've kept an empty bag (or two) in my purse since my first trimester in case I get sick. I can't tell you how many times they've come in handy!
(17. Cell Phone, not pictured)
I try to keep things simple in my wallet. I go through it on a regular basis to take out any receipts, so that I don't have a bunch of clutter in it. I do the same thing with my purse. As a general rule, I don't keep cash in my wallet. I don't see it as necessary and it just ends up adding more bulk. I keep all of my important cards in the slots, along with Mike's senior picture. (Because I'm cheesy that way. ;D)
I am a bit old school and still pay our bills with checks...yes, I know. >.< Which also explains why I keep stamps in my wallet. There is a pocket behind my main cards where I stash store cards (Walgreens, Staples, Petco etc.), along with a few business cards. Behind my checkbook are two pockets, where I keep my stamps and transaction register. I really like using the transaction register, just so I have my budget and balance on hand.
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